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Does a man have to be in a relationship to be interesting for a woman?

Question by Guest | 2014-03-22 at 22:18

I really do not know anything more and I hope that I can get an answer here. It's about a strange phenomenon that has been repeated for several times in my life. It's the interplay between being in a relationship or not and to be of interest for the female gender or not.

Whenever I have a girlfriend and I am in a relationship, this state seems to attracting other women magically. At this phase it would be no problem at all for me to get known to a new girlfriend.

But woe to the day on which I'm single again! Exactly from this day on, when I am no longer in a relationship and I am searching again for girls, the previous woman seems to have forgotten me completely. At this moment, nothing works like it has worked before when I was in a relationship and with time passing by it becomes harder and harder to find a new girl and to overcome the single-time.

But from that moment on, when having a new girlfriend, the game begins to repeat again and it seems to be super easy to get another one although I do not want it at this moment.

I have spoken to some of my colleagues about this phenomenon and they also confirmed this little game from their own life.

Is it really true that a man is only interesting for a woman if he already has a wife or currently is in a relationship ? Honestly, I would prefer if it were the other way around.

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Woman are looking for men that are not desperate and they are searching for men having a good charisma. Of course, I did not know whether it is because of this, but this can be the reason or part of the reason for your observation.

Perhaps, girls are seeing the despair in you if your are on the search again. Finally, women have a good sense to assess whether a man is in dire need or not. And this is far away from being sexy and attractive.

But if you are just in a relationship, perhaps, your charisma is quite different. In this time, you are radiating satisfaction with you and with the world, you are spreading good mood and atmosphere, you are easy-going and not cramped. And just these things are qualities making you magically attractive to women.

Would explain your observations. 
2014-03-24 at 16:19

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Maybe women always want to have what is unattainable. And what could be better than a man who is already taken? This is much more exciting for the woman.

At the same time, the fact that the man already has a woman is something like a seal of quality, because this is showing, that the man has already been selected by a woman and that he can hold the woman.

Instead of this, when dating a single-man and woman can never know what to expect and whether this man can keep a woman and all.
2014-03-25 at 22:46

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Perhaps, men in a relationship are a little bit less dangerous and not as binding as men who are actually looking for girls. This can also play a role.

While with a single guy nearly all can happen, the woman has much more time to check out a man, who is currently in a relationship.
2014-03-26 at 21:26

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