66 Votes

Remove Special Characters from File Names

Question by Mail Request | 2022-05-05 at 00:48

I got an extensive file collection under Linux Mint, which should now be moved to a Windows PC. Unfortunately, some files can not be copied because of the special characters "%*#><& in the file name.

Is there a possibility with searching and replacing to delete all special characters at once to become compatible with Windows, for example, to replace these characters with the underscore _?

9Best Answer11 Votes

The easiest way for removing special characters with the help of the FileRenamer is the function:

  • Delete Character Groups -> Special Characters

Of course, you can also solve it with the "Search and Replace" function, but then you would have to work with regular expressions and it becomes a bit more complicated (but you would be more flexible).

Also zum Beispiel:

Search for:   [^a-zA-Z0-9]
Replace with: _
Check option "Interpret as Regular Expression"

This would replace all characters in the file name that are not the letters a-z or A-Z or the digits 0-9 with an underscore.
2022-05-05 at 01:18

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