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Rose Monday: The earliest and latest date possible

Question by Mopsi99 | 2024-02-12 at 11:11

As we all know, Rose Monday respectively Rosenmontag is a floating date. As far as I know, the date can fall in either February or March.

But how far forward and backward can the date of Rose Monday deviate? So, what is the earliest and the latest date on which Rose Monday has ever been or will ever be celebrated?

2Best Answer2 Votes

The earliest possible date for Rose Monday is February 2nd. The last time this happened was in 1818, the next time it will happen again in 2285.

The latest possible date for Rose Monday is March 8th. This was last the case in 1943, the next time it will be Rosenmontag 2038.

So there is still some time to go before we can celebrate such a special Rose Monday. You can find the Rose Monday dates for the last and the next few years here.
2024-02-12 at 19:43

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