00 Votes

Since when is there a blood alcohol limit for road traffic in Germany?

Question by Barbell78 | 2018-06-21 at 21:02

I would like to know, since when there is an alcohol limit for motorists in Germany. They probably did not think about introducing something like that at the time right away the first car came out. There must have been given an occasion.

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There has been a legal alcohol limit for road traffic in Germany since its introduction in 1953. Since then, the limit has been repeatedly reduced:

  • 1953: 1.5 per mill alcohol in the blood
  • 1973: 0.8 per mill alcohol in the blood
  • 2001: 0.5 per mill alcohol in the blood

In 1953, a blood alcohol limit became necessary, firstly because the traffic became more and more (before there were hardly any cars on the roads and therefore not so many regulations were needed) and secondly because more and more people drove their cars with alcohol and increasingly represented a security risk.
2018-06-21 at 23:59

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