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Smartphone: What is Configuration? And why I wont see while buying my new Phone?

Question by Guest | 2016-01-13 at 07:51

Because all people said to see configuration before buy mobile and which good configuarion rate to buy smart mobile phone?

0Best Answer0 Votes

Hey, I do not know whether it have to understand your question.

As I am understanding you, someone has told you to look for the configuration of a smartphone before purchasing it.

And yes, that is right. You should look for that configuration. It is similar to buying a new computer, you are looking for the operating system, the hardware, how many men are or CPU the machine has and so on. The same applies to smartphones. Smartphones are also small computers and so, you should also look after their performance and their hardware quality including camera and screen.
2016-01-13 at 20:08

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