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Switch: How to connect the input network cable?

Question by Larosso | 2016-06-12 at 16:12

I would like to connect multiple computers to one single network cable and I got the advise that I need a switch for that.

Meanwhile, I have bought such a switch and now, I am standing here with my switch and I wonder how to connect the network cables properly. The problem is, that it is not clear which ports can be used for input and which for output: all ports are looking like each other and there is no label despite numbers.

How can I know which ports can be used for the input and the output cables?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Of course, there can be differences from type to type, but with my switch, it doesn't matter at which port you are putting which cable.

Just connect the input network cable to any of the ports, for example, the first one. The other cables, you can then connect to the remaining ones. That should work.
2016-06-12 at 23:28

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