22 Votes

TinyMCE: Do not convert Special Characters to Named Entities

Question by Guest | 2015-02-06 at 16:18

I still have a little problem with my TinyMCE HTML Editor. Using formatting and entering numbers or letters from A-Z is working well. But, however, problems arise as soon as trying to type accents, umlauts or other special characters.

For example, instead of writing the characters ä, ö and ü, TinyMCE is writing "ä", "ö" and "ü". So, TinyMCE is using the so-called named entities or named characters known from HTML.

Because on my website, all of my texts are UTF-8 encoded, I do not need those named entities. Rather, they are disturbing because they are making database searches impossible when words are containing a character of this kind.

Is there any possibility to configure TinyMCE in a way, that it is not using the named entities anymore?

4Best Answer4 Votes

You are searching for the option "entity_encoding" which can be set during initializing of TinyMCE:

  selector: "textarea",
  entity_encoding: "raw",
  toolbar: "bold italic underline"

With setting "entity_encoding" to "raw", all characters will no longer be stored as named entities except the characters " & < and > having a special meaning in HTML.

If "entity_encoding" is set to "named", the named entities such as &auml; are used. With setting "entity_encoding" to "numeric", the Unicode encoding (numeric entities) such as &#228; is used.

By the way, you can use PHP to free your text from the named entities:


For the opposite effect, you can use htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars().
2015-02-06 at 17:37

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