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Vaccination: Is a Multi-Vaccine worse than a Single Vaccine?

Question by Guest | 2016-01-08 at 15:00

I have to refresh my vaccinations soon and I'm just thinking about whether I would rather take a single vaccine or a multiple vaccine.

Can someone say something about that? Is it that a multiple vaccination at the same time is worse than just a single one? What do you all mean?

1Best Answer1 Vote

A multi-vaccine normally should not be worse than a single vaccine. Rather, I would say that the single vaccine is worse, at least regarding the effort, since you are faster trough with it when going the  multiple vaccination way.

Also, the usual vaccination pain, which is similar to sore muscles, is not worse in a multiple vaccination compared to a single vaccine. Here, instead, it only plays a role against what you get vaccinated.
2016-01-09 at 20:25

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