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What does SUV stand for regarding cars?

Question by Anna Meyer | 2018-03-25 at 12:30

Those modern, slightly larger-scaled looking cars, which look a bit like a Jeep, cross country vehicle or off-road vehicle, are popularly called SUVs.

But what does SUV mean for a car? Is that a shortcut? A model name? Or something else?

0Best Answer0 Votes

SUV is indeed an abbreviation. It stands for the term Sport Utility Vehicle.

This refers to a kind of all-terrain vehicle with the driving comfort of a sedan. An SUV is an intermediate thing, a hybrid or a mixture of a conventional small car and a larger terrain utility vehicle.

In which of the two directions the whole leads and whether the car is suitable for off-road, of course, depends on the particular model.
2018-03-25 at 23:30

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