00 Votes

What does the XP in Windows XP stand for?

Question by Anna Meyer | 2017-11-20 at 20:03

The old versions of Windows were usually named according to the year of publishing. Examples are Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows 2000. The newer versions such as Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 are simply numbered, while they somehow apparently have forgotten Windows 9 in this series.

However, an exception is Windows XP! What does the XP stand for? Does it have a specific meaning? Windows XP is a bit older by now, I know, but the question has always interested me.

2Best Answer2 Votes

The XP in Windows XP stands for "eXPerience".

The acronym should mean that Windows XP provides great user experiences with its multimedia capabilities and Internet services that also affect many different devices.
2017-11-21 at 19:33

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