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What is an OEM Version?

Question by Sometimes Less | 2012-08-08 at 22:18

I recently bought a new computer. According to the packaging, on the computer an OEM version of Windows and some other software products in the OEM version are preinstalled.

What's so special about an OEM version? Will the OEM version work as well as the full version, or where there are possibly differences?

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OEM is an abbreviation meaning "Original Equipment Manufacturer".

In your case, the OEM version is simply the version that is shipped with the original computer. Previously (before a change in the law) and in some countries such an OEM version could or should only be delivered along with the hardware. The manufacturer of the software will then contract with the manufacturer of the hardware, so that the  manufacturer of the hardware gets the software cheaper to install it on his products. In addition, in this case, the OEM software has no box and the typical things like a description and so on, a genuine software has. Although, there also trimmed down versions of OEM software, in your case, the OEM version should match the original version, only that it is cheaper for everyone.
2012-08-09 at 11:53

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OEM versions should not differ (if it is not marked separately) from non-OEM versions (full versions, retail). The difference is this: OEM versions are the versions that are bought from PC manufacturers in masses and accordingly very cheap, in order to sell them along with the PC. Therefore, there is no box and no manual included with those OEM versions, usually there is just a CD or a DVD.

Previously, it was practice, that it was only allowed to sell the OEM versions along with a PC, but at least in Germany, the German legislator has forbidden this practice. Therefore, you can now also buy OEM versions without a PC. These versions are much more cheaper and have no frills and no claim to support. To who the pure product is enough and would anyway not call the support and do not want to have the original box, the OEM version should be enough and the right choice.
2012-08-10 at 15:33

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