00 Votes

What should I wear under a skirt?

Question by Guest | 2018-03-19 at 11:34

Slowly we are returning back to summer and thus to the time when skirts can be worn again.

I'm really looking forward to the warm season, but I have no idea what to wear under the skirt.

Normally I only wear thongs, but under the skirt I'm always afraid that someone will see something too much. How do you handle this?

00 Votes

I'm fine with wearing thongs under a skirt.

If anyone sees it, let him see it. I do not care, I am me.
2018-03-19 at 19:34

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I always think that one should not see more than in the swimming pool. In other words, if you put on a pair of underpants that are cut in a similar way to a swim pant or bikini, no one can see too much.

But even a thong or string should not be a problem. As a rule, you can not see anything. Or you only imagine that everyone is watching, but that's not the case.
2018-03-20 at 17:25

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I always put on a leggings under the skirt. Looks great and since you can also wear leggings without a skirt, no one sees too much.

If it gets too warm for leggings, of course, also thin tights or opaque nylon tights are a good choice.
2018-03-21 at 15:14

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When I'm not putting on tights, I'm wearing panties under my skirts.

A thong would be a bit too extreme for me, as I am often wearing very short skirts.

Unless I am with my boyfriend or the skirts are so long that you do not see anything anyway.
2018-03-22 at 13:34

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Anyway you should always wear a pair of tights or leggings under the skirt. With nylons, the legs look much better than cheesy without. And so your problem that someone can see too much is also gone.
2018-03-23 at 09:37

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I do not really wear anything under a skirt because nobody can see it and if some guy thinks he has to, then I do not care.
2018-03-23 at 18:04

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