77 Votes

Why do some people wear their belts tight?

Question by Guest | 2023-04-21 at 12:34

I love pulling my belt tight. It gives me such a lovely feeling inside. I don't wear a tight belt that can be seen, if it is very tight. I often wear a tight belt under a jumper or jacket. Should I show my belt? It's not done me any harm over many years.

11 Vote

I think you self give the answer to your question.

They do so because it is a lovely feeling.
2023-04-21 at 16:14

ReplyPositive Negative
11 Vote

I do this! I’m always told I tighten my belts too much but I get that constant feeling inside me that I like. None of my friends seem to get this.
2023-07-18 at 12:06

ReplyPositive Negative
11 Vote

The same for me. A tight, wide belt make me aroused.
2024-07-22 at 16:11

ReplyPositive Negative

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