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WhatsApp: Meaning of blue hooks

Question by Guest | 2014-11-06 at 22:13

For each message writing via Whats App, there are appearing two hooks or snags in the right down corner showing whether the messages have been sent.

Up to now, those hooks have always been grey on my smartphone. But as of today, some of the hooks are getting blue with time!

I have not applied any update of WhatsApp, the changes appeared suddenly and only have affect to some of my conversations, most conversations are still gray hooked. can someone tell me what this kind of hook or tick means?

1Best Answer1 Vote

The blue hooks are a new feature of WhatsApp. While the old hooks have indicated that the message has been sent to the WhatsApp server (first hook) and that the message has received the mobile phone of the recipient (second hook), those hooks does not provide any information about whether the recipient has already read the message or not (more about that).

Exactly this gap is now filled by the blue ticks: The hooks are changing to blue as soon as the recipient has opened the message. As long as the recipient has only get the message on his phone but does not have opened it, the hooks are remaining gray.

But be careful: The function with the blue ticks can also be deactivated. If a user has done this, the checkmarks remain gray even after reading.
Last update on 2020-08-24 | Created on 2014-11-07

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