00 Votes

WhatsApp: Only one grey Hook since some Time

Question by Guest | 2015-07-11 at 18:39

Usually, when sending a message via Whats App, first of all, the first gray hook is displayed and immediately after that you can see the second grey hook and later the hooks are becoming blue as soon as the recipient has read the message.

Now, something strange has happened: I have just sent a message like ever before but the second grey hook has not appeared! I am now waiting for several days for the second grey hook, but nothing is changing.

Does someone know what this can mean? Are there any reasons why the message could not be sent? Is my smartphone broken? Or am I may be even blocked by the recipient?

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The first grey hook means, that your message has been transferred to the WhatsApp server. As soon as the second grey hook is appearing, this means that the message has been transferred from the WhatsApp server to the mobile phone of the recipient (more about the meaning of the WhatsApp hooks).

So, first of all, the problem should have nothing to do with your smartphone, because your message has reached WhatsApp. However, there was a problem on the way from WhatsApp to the phone of the recipient.

There may be different reasons why the message could not be delivered: Maybe, the recipient has not turned on his smartphone or at least mobile data so that the phone could not connect to WhatsApp via the Internet. Or the recipient has completely logged off Whats App. Or you are actually blocked and that is the reason why your messages are not coming through.
2015-07-12 at 14:57

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