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Where is the Schinkenstraße on Mallorca?

Question by Guest | 2016-05-23 at 10:17

I have heard that on Mallorca in Spain on the Schinkenstraße (in English ham road) is going on the most. Now I have tried to find this Schinkenstraße using Google Maps and other card services, but I cannot find it.

Does someone know where the Schinkenstraße is located exactly?

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Schinkenstraße is only the German term for the street, it is not an official street name. In reality, the street that is meant is named "Carrer Pare Bartomeu Salvà".

Of course, compared to that, Schinkenstraße is much more easier, but the official name with which you can find the road, is the bulky one. When walking on the beach respectively the promenade, the Schinkenstraße is not far away from Ballermann 6 (Balneario 6). That are the small little numbered houses on the beach.

By the way, some restaurants and bars even have hanged the inofficial on their facades indicating that here is the Schinkenstraße.
2016-05-23 at 14:50

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