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Mallorca: Difference between Megapark and Megarena

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-05-06 | Created on 2016-09-25

Can someone explain me the difference between Mega Park and Mega Arena on Mallorca (Spain)? I was there not long ago and some people called the location directly at Ballermann 5 Megapark, others called the same disco Megarena.

However, what is the exact difference? It is not possible that this discotheque has two names, or is that true?

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Megapark is the name of the entire complex, Megarena is the area or dance floor in the cellar.

When coming from the beach and taking the left entrance, you enter the Megapark when going straight ahead, you can see the Megapark tables even from outside. However, when taking the escalator downstairs to the cellar short before the entrance, there is the Megarena.

Sometimes, in the Megarena artists are performing independent from above and sometimes you even have to pay for entrance although upstairs is for free.
Last update on 2021-05-06 | Created on 2016-09-25

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