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Which format should an online job application have?

Question by Guest | 2018-01-06 at 10:10

I would like to apply for a job online through the Internet. In the job announcement, there is only stated that I should send the application by e-mail. Unfortunately, there is no more information about the desired format.

Can someone tell me which file format is the default in this case and what is expected? Should I simply send a Word document (DOC or DOCX) or should I insert my picture as an attachment? Or should I just write everything in the mail itself? What is usual? Is anyone familiar with it?

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An online application should be sent in PDF format.

This PDF document should contain everything in the order in which it is customary for written applications. All the documents, the cover letter, your certificates, etc. one after the other in the same file. Then they also stay together nicely and can not get confused or mixed up with other data or applications.

I would never recommend files such as Word documents that you can easily change. Similarly, it makes no sense to include many individual files or even individual photos in the appendix. That should all be in your PDF document. Make sure that the PDF is not too big. Ideal is a size under 2 MB, large files are often not automatically delivered.

The e-mail itself should then only contain a small cover note, which refers to the attachment.
2018-01-06 at 17:52

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