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Why is white chocolate white? Does white chocolate contain no cocoa?

Question by Larosso | 2013-09-11 at 16:03

As we know, cocoa is brown and as we know, chocolate contains cocoa. When looking at brown chocolate, all seems to be okay. But what is about white chocolate?

Is it, that the albino among the chocolate does not contain any cocoa? Finally, cocoa would color the chocolate into a brown one. But, if white chocolate does not contain any cocoa, how is it possible, that we are talking about chocolate at all? Can someone enlighten me?

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In fact, cocoa is an essential ingredient of chocolate. Therefore, it would be funny if white chocolate would have nothing to do with cocoa.

However, when making white chocolate, only cocoa butter and not the original cocoa is used. For the production of cocoa butter, the brown cocoa powder is removed from the cocoa mass so that the white chocolate get its characteristic color.
2013-09-11 at 18:38

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