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Windows: File extensions are not displayed anymore

Question by Watcher1 | 2018-03-23 at 08:41

I reinstalled Windows on my computer and suddenly all endings of my files disappeared!

As it seems to me, the endings are still there, but apparently hidden or suppressed. Strangely, some endings are still displayed (for example, the extension DLL), others are no longer visible (for example, TXT, JPG, BMP, AVI, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX or HTM).

What can I do to display each file extension of every file again?

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By default, Windows hides the file extensions of all "known" file types. You can change this behavior in your Folder Options. This is how you can proceed:

  1. Open the "Folder Options". For example, from the Control Panel > Folder Options or the Start menu by typing "Folder Options" in the search box.
  2. Go to the tab "View".
  3. Here you can find a list of "Advanced Settings". In it, you can simply disable the option "Hide extensions for known file types".

If the option has been removed, all file extensions should be displayed correctly again.
2018-03-23 at 21:51

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