24 Votes

YouTube: Meaning of DIY in Title of Video

Question by Mandy | Last update on 2021-07-26 | Created on 2014-01-04

Recently, I noticed more and more videos having the word or the abbreviation "DIY" in its title. I have also seen this token on several websites on the Internet. Unfortunately, I can not find anywhere an explanation of what this is meaning.

Can someone tell me what this word means and what DIY have to do with a video and YouTube?

4Best Answer6 Votes

"DIY" is the abbreviation for "Do it Yourself".

So, videos marked with this tag are usually explanations, manuals or instructions of how to do this or that, for example for the household, self-made presents or repairs.

Of course, similarly, there are plenty of other websites with tips and tricks also using this shortcut.
Last update on 2021-07-26 | Created on 2014-01-04

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