Internet and Network
This portal is about all topics around internet and network.
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Google Maps in another Language
Google Maps is always automatically displayed in the language that is set as the preferred language of the browser. However, I would sometimes like...
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Why is my Facebook always disabled?
I don't understand why my facebook was disabled again to again. And I don't think I broke Facebook community rules because I didn't do...
Open Question | 3 Answers
Are social media secure?
I like to use Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites and have recently talked with my best friend about what Facebook and Instagram are...
Open Question | 2 Answers
YouTube shows error "Incorrect certificate for host"
When trying to open YouTube, I get the following error: Incorrect certificate for host. The error message is: The server presented a certificate that...
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I can not see a webpage, Google can
I can hardly believe it: There is a forum on the Internet, to which I have no access from my browser. Nevertheless, Google seems to be able to visit...
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Hidden Google Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs are hidden features in programs that are not officially mentioned in the description. Even our popular search engine Google has to offer...
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New Answers and Comments
NetLabel: You can easily set the language of Google Maps using the URL in your browser. For example, to see the countries and cities in Spanish, you can just...
Question | Google Maps in another Language
Guest: ...then it still remains the problem that Windows 10 deletes the received file for security...
SmartUser: Another alternative: Upload the file to a one-click hoster like Rapidshare and Co. This is usually quite quick and...
NetLabel: In general, you can use each mail provider you want. As Gmail is very common, I think, you will not have disadvantages with using it (provided your...
Question | Why is my Facebook always disabled?
Chloe: Thanks for your kind feedback. It's very helpful for me with your answers. Will you use Gmail to register new facebook? Or is there no...
Question | Why is my Facebook always disabled?
Guest: Unfortunately that will be hard. As far as I know it is not possible to block reactions of a certain type, you can only block on user basis. And...
Question | Facebook: How to delete a reaction from your post/block certain reaction?
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Popular Topics
Facebook: Delete like from someone else on my photo?
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Google Tips: Exclude specific websites from search
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Google Tips: Search for fragmented phrases with missing words
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Google Tips: Search within documents of a specific file type (PDF, DOC, XLS, TXT, HTM etc)
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YouTube: Meaning of DIY in Title of Video
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Access FTP Server with Browser using Username and Password
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Facebook Error: "Account Temporarily Unavailable" - Account hacked?
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Open Questions
- Are social media secure?
- Why is my Facebook always disabled?
- Facebook: How to delete a reaction from your post/block certain reaction?
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