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2 Tricks: How to weigh Cats and Dogs

Tip by Mopsi99 | 2013-08-25 at 15:09

Large animals such as cats or dogs can hardly be made to stay still on a scale under normal conditions. If you still want to determine the weight of your dog, your cat or your other pet, you have to use a trick. Today, I want to show you two of such tricks which can be operated easily.

Trick 1: The Arm

For this trick you only need yourself, your animal and your scales. Take your pet on your arm, hold it, go together with your pet on the scale. After that, just go another time onto the scales - but this time without accompaniment. To determine the weight of the animal, you only need to subtract the one result from the other result. For example, if your weight is 87 kg with the pet on the arm and 84 kg without, your pet just weighs 3 kg.

Trick 2: The Box

If your dog or your cat is too wild and can not be hold on the arm, certainly my second trick will help you. Just put your pet into a carrying case and weigh the animal together with the box. Again, you can calculate the weight of your pet by subtracting the weight of the box from the total weight.


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