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Export Outlook contacts as visiting card (vCard/vcf)

Tip by Progger99 | 2012-09-25 at 22:47

Today, I want to show you, how you can export your contacts from Outlook as business cards (vCard). The format of this card has the extension *,vcf, and can be used, for example, to get the Outlook contacts on your cell phone or smartphone.

Just follow these steps:

  1. Pretend as you would like to write a new e-mail.
  2. After the mail window is open, you click in the top bar on "Send Personally" and then on "Other Personallies".
  3. Another window opens, in which you can select the visiting cards, you would like to attach to your mail. Here, you can select all the business cards, that you want to export.
  4. Then click on Save or press "CTRL" and "S" to save the email in the drafts.
  5. Close the mail.
  6. Open the drafts and there your saved mail.
  7. Mark all the files in the appendix (which are the business cards), and click the right mouse button on the files and select "Save As".
  8. Now you can select a folder for the files and you have exported your contacts as vCards.

The contacts you can now import into another program or your smartphone or mobile phone.


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