00 Votes

E-Mail: Reply Address different from Sender Address

Question by Guest | Last update on 2022-12-03 | Created on 2015-09-08

Is it possible to write an e-mail having set another e-mail address as reply address differing from the address of the sender from which e-mail address that e-mail was sent?

I am using a PHP script which is transferring the input from a contact form to my private e-mail address. As sender (FROM), my mail server is fixed.

So, always when getting an e-mail in this way and when clicking on "Reply", my own e-mail address is appearing in the recipient field, and of course, I do not want to send the e-mail to me again. Instead, I wish that when replying, directly at the e-mail address from the contact form should be used. That would save a lot of work.

Is this possible in some way? I think, some time ago, I have seen such an e-mail in which suddenly when clicking on "Reply" another e-mail address different from the sender appeared.

0Best Answer0 Votes

Yes, you can define an arbitrary reply address different from the e-mail address behind "From" in the header of the e-mail under "Reply-To".

I will give you a small example for PHP:

$header  = 'TO: Name <recipient@example.com>' . "\r\n";
$header .= 'FROM: Name <sender@example.com>' . "\r\n";
$header .= 'REPLY-TO: Name <reply@example.com>' . "\r\n";

This e-mail would be sent to the address recipient@example.com with having the sender sender@example.com. However, when clicking on "Reply", instead of the address sender@example.com, the address reply@example.com will be chosen.
Last update on 2022-12-03 | Created on 2015-09-08

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