33 Votes

Linux/Ubuntu: Open current Directory of File Browser in Terminal

Tip by Progger99 | 2014-01-23 at 15:52

When navigating through my folders using the file browser Nautilus in Linux Ubuntu, I often missed the possibility to simply use the right mouse button on a directory in order to open the Termial (command line) from there in the same folder. Finally, it is very time-consuming to manually open the Terminal in the corresponding folder since it is already opened in the file browser.

Meanwhile, I have found a solution. You just have to install the package Nautilus Open Terminal.

This can be done, for example, with the following command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal

If the function is not immediately visible, it is probably because Nautilus or Linux have to be rebooted. Then, the context menu of Nautilus is expanded with the function "Open in Terminal".


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