33 Votes

Pipette: Fetch Colors from all over the Screen

Tutorial by Stefan Trost | Last update on 2024-05-15 | Created on 2016-04-08

Using the tool Pipette for Windows, macOS and Linux, it is possible to fetch and determine each color from your screen, for example for using it in some graphics application. In this tutorial, we show how to do that.

First of all, start the tool Pipette that you can download for Windows, Linux and macOS from the linked website.

In the following screenshot you can see how this program is looking like on Windows, also the versions for the other operating systems are composed in the same way.

Pipette Screenshot

  1. First, click once on the button "Pipette" with your mouse.
  2. Then, move your mouse over the screen. You will always see the color currently located under the mouse cursor in the field over the button.
  3. Click once again with your mouse to take the current color.

After you have released the mouse, the last color that was under the cursor is added to the color list at the top right of the window of the Pipette. In addition, the color is shown in the lower area of the window in color systems such as RGB (hexadecimal, decimal and percentage), CMYK, CMY, HSV, TColor, XYZ as well as xyz. Old colors from the color list can be clicked and thereby shown again.

Readjust Color Values and copy Color Values into the Clipboard

Via the buttons behind the individual fields with the color values, the respective values can be easily copied into the clipboard for use in another program. You can individually adjust the format used for copying in the settings via the menu "Settings > Clipboard". Here you also have the possibility to select one of the color models available and to activate the option "Automatic Copying to the Clipboard" to copy the captured colors in a color model of your choice automatically to the clipboard immediately after they are captured.

In addition, the fields with the color values can also be used to adjust a color or convert color values into each other.

Alternative Use of the Mouse

Instead of fetching colors with the sequence "click - move mouse - click" as we have described above, you can also determine another form of color recording via the menu "Settings > General > Pipette Mode". Namely, that you have to hold the mouse on the "Pipette" button and you get the color with releasing the mouse over your desired color without releasing the mouse in the meantime.

However, this type of recording does not work on all operating systems. Typically it works under Windows while under Linux and MacOS only the way described above leads to a recording of the color.


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