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PHP: How to show Content of Array in a quick way

Tip by NetLabel | 2016-06-15 at 12:24

When testing a PHP script, from time to time, you are coming at the point at which you just want to have a look into one of the variables - for example to check the assignment of an array.

Each time writing a function that is going through this array element for element in order to output every value is quite cumbersome. And there is a much more quicker and easier way to do so.

$arr = array(1,2,3,4);


This example shows two possibilities with which you are able to display the content of the array $arr uncomplicated and straightforward. The PHP function print_r() as well as the function var_dump() are displaying each element of the array and can be used with arbitrary variable types.

Difference between var_dump and print_r

The difference between both functions lies in the details of the resulting information.

While print_r is only printing out the raw assignment of the array, var_dump is delivering detailed additional information about the used types, for example.


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