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Windows 8: Get the old Start Menu back

Tip by Computer Expert | 2013-04-09 at 22:58

No one knows what Microsoft was thinking: The flagship and also the most widely used function of the operating system is missing in Windows 8: The Start button and the corresponding start-up menu.

Since the first graphical Windows versions, the start button was the symbol of recognition of Windows and the entry into the world of programs. Today I want to show you how to retrieve the Start button into your Windows and thus be able to quickly and easily access your applications again.

Classic Shell

The way to the familiar Windos Start Menu goes via the application Classic Shell, which you can download on classicshell.net.

As it is explained on the website in detail, the program allows to perform 3 different classic start menus: The Windows 7 Version, the Windows XP Version and the version of older Windows systems prior to XP.

Additionally, running on Windows 7, Classic Shell makes it possible to reintroduce the old Windows 95 menu. Furthermore, Classic Shell can also be used to restore dropped features of the Explorer.


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