Lazarus: Load File as Byte Array and save Byte Array as File
Tutorial by Stefan Trost | Last update on 2023-02-18 | Created on 2018-01-01
In this tutorial I want to show you how to read a file byte by byte into an array as well as how to write a byte array back into a file again.
First of all, we define a byte array that we need for both processes respectively directions:
type TByteArr = array of Byte;
We can now fill it with some individual bytes, for example in the following way:
var BA: TByteArr; begin SetLength(BA, 3); BA[0] := 65; BA[1] := $41; BA[2] := %1000001;
When doing so, it does not matter whether we specify the bytes in decimal, hexadecimal, or binary notation or whether we get them from a function like ord(), for example. The sample code shows each of these four possibilities.
65 is the ASCII code for "A". In hexadecimal notation the number 65 corresponds to 41 and in binary notation to 1000001. Also ord('A') gives us the ASCII value 65 for "A".
Accordingly, in the example, we set all four bytes of the array to the same value. Decimal values can be written into the code as simple integer numbers while hexadecimal values are to be marked with $ and binary numbers with %. This way the compiler can distinguish which number we mean.
Save Byte Array
Now let's see how we can save our byte array to a file. For this we use the following procedure, which we can pass a byte array and our desired file name for storage:
procedure SaveByteArray(AByteArray: TByteArr; const AFileName: string); var AStream: TStream; begin if FileExistsUTF8(AFileName) then DeleteFileUTF8(AFileName); AStream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFileName, fmCreate); try AStream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(AByteArray)^, Length(AByteArray)); finally AStream.Free; end; end;
First of all, we check whether a file with the specified name already exists and delete it if so. Alternatively, we could of course also ask the user before deleting the existing file, but here we would like to limit ourselves to the essentials. Then we create a FileStream and write the array in its entire length into it. With this, the byte array is saved.
A usage example may look like this:
var BA: TByteArr; begin SetLength(BA, 1); BA[0] := 65; SaveByteArray(BA, 'file.dat');
Here we first create a byte array consisting of two elements and then we use the procedure just presented for storage. As the first parameter we pass our byte array to the procedure, as second parameter the desired file name.
Load Byte Array
Now we want to see the reverse path as well. To load a file from the hard disk into a byte array, the following function can be used, to which we can pass a file name as a parameter:
function LoadByteArray(const AFileName: string): TByteArr; var AStream: TStream; ADataLeft: Integer; begin SetLength(result, 0); if not FileExistsUTF8(AFileName) then exit; AStream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try AStream.Position := 0; ADataLeft := AStream.Size; SetLength(result, ADataLeft div SizeOf(Byte)); AStream.Read(PByte(result)^, ADataLeft); finally AStream.Free; end; end;
Also in this procedure, we first check whether a file exists under the specified file name and terminate if not. Previously, we already set the result to a length of 0, so the function returns an empty array in this case. If the file exists, we also create a FileStream in this function, which we use to read all the bytes of the file into our result byte array.
A call to the function may look like this:
var BA: TByteArr; begin BA := LoadByteArray('file.dat');
We only pass a file name as parameter and get back the byte array consisting of the bytes of the requested file.
Visualize Byte Array
When working with byte arrays, sooner or later the question of displaying the content of the byte array comes up. It makes sense to output the byte arrays in hexadecimal form as a string. For example, an output of the byte array mentioned above would look like this: "41 41 41 41".
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