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On AskingBox since 2012-01-07 | 3 Questions | 2 Articles | 7 Answers | 5 best Answers


Last Comments by HomeMan

I'm for just celebrating on the day after. If you see it the way that your birthday is on the day after the 28th, then...

Voting | Poll: Birthday on February 29th! When to celebrate?

In total, eight films have been released in the American Pie series. The first part (like a hot apple...

Question | How many American Pie movies are there so far?

So far, a total of eight films have been published in the American Pie series. The titles of the films are:...

Question | Titles of all American Pie Movies

As you know, sushi contains raw fish. And during pregnancy, among other things, you should stay away from raw meat and...

Question | Why are pregnant woman not allowed to eat sushi?

Stay away from any alcohol completely also during the lactation period! The alcohol also gets into the breast...

Question | May I drink alcohol while breast-feeding my baby?