Environment, Nature and Ecology
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Is that necessary to implement waste sorting?
I live in China. Recently, most cities in China are launching a new regulation which is waste sorting. It takes a lot of efforts to sort out...
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Why is "weeding" with gas burners allowed?
I think it is one of the worst, most perfidious and at the same time easiest to avoid environmental pollution of private households - weeding with...
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How much CO2 does a tree filter out of the air?
I have no idea of how much CO2 is actually absorbed or filtered out by a normal tree out of the air. Can anyone here give an order of magnitude, if...
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Why is the ocean salty?
I wonder, why there is salt water in oceans, but freshwater is flowing through rivers, ditches and lakes on the mainland. Is the sea not fed by the...
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How old grow frogs? A balance of death.
Depending on the breed, frogs can grow proud 10 to 20 years old. However, this occurs very rarely in nature, because when we deal with this question,...
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New Answers and Comments
Kamila: Thank you for sharing your thoughtful opinion. We have to sort out the waste before we throw it. There are 4 types of sorting waste. Recyclable...
Mister Lohmann: Yes, it's a lot of effort for each of us. But is it really necessary? I think, it's a good idea to recycle waste. There are so many...
Little Tree: I once read, that a normal beech tree in 80 years accommodates about one ton of carbon dioxide. Of course, the beech tree takes up less, if it is...
For Nature: You can not really generalize the answer to this question, because it depends on many factors, how much CO2 a tree binds. Among other things, it...
Guest: To answer this question, we have to look at the water cycle in detail. Let's start here with the clouds and the rain. The rain on the mainland...
Question | Why is the ocean salty?
Popular Topics
How much CO2 does a tree filter out of the air?
Open Question | 2 Answers
How old grow frogs? A balance of death.
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Why is "weeding" with gas burners allowed?
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Why is the ocean salty?
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Is that necessary to implement waste sorting?
Question | 2 Answers
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