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Is that necessary to implement waste sorting?

Question by Kamila | 2019-10-12 at 10:44

I live in China. Recently, most cities in China are launching a new regulation which is waste sorting. It takes a lot of efforts to sort out different garbage and recognize what kind of waste they belong to. But I think it's good for our environment and it helps to reproduce energy in a sustainable way.

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Yes, it's a lot of effort for each of us. But is it really necessary?

I think, it's a good idea to recycle waste. There are so many materials we are throwing away that are good and that can still be used for other things. So, recycling is a good idea, I think.

But waste sorting? Even if 90 percent of people are sorting their waist, there are still the remaining 10 percent which are not willing or not wanting to sort correctly so that when the waste is collected, there is always a unsorted rest remaining obfuscating all well sorted stuff.

So, in my opinion, the best idea would be to throw all waste into one bin and do the sorting afterwards in order to ensure recycling. Then, you do not have to care about several bins, you save time, you save place for the bins and even multiple garbage trucks. The sorting can then be done after collecting all the waste and automatic, for example with magnets for iron stuff and so on. That would be the best out of the two worlds.

By the way, I am not coming from China. So, I do not know about the efforts there. Can you tell me which waste sorting you are doing there?
2019-10-12 at 19:38

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Thank you for sharing your thoughtful opinion. We have to sort out the waste before we throw it. There are 4 types of sorting waste. Recyclable garbage, harmful garbage, kitchen garbage and other garbage. It's good for protect our environment, as you said, it's worthy.
2019-10-18 at 09:06

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