Nature, Environment, Animals and Plants

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Natural Sciences, Biology, Astronomy and Space

Scientific topics about mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology as well as in terms of astronomy and space, you can also find in our portal Natural Science and Mathematics.

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What is your favorite pet?

Would be interesting to know which of these animals you find the best. Personally, I'm for cats as well as guinea pigs (I Have...

Open Voting | 2 Comments

Is that necessary to implement waste sorting?

I live in China. Recently, most cities in China are launching a new regulation which is waste sorting. It takes a lot of efforts to sort out...

Question | 2 Answers

Compost: May I throw citrus fruits or bananas on the compost heap?

We are processing a small compost pile in our garden on which we throw our garden and kitchen waste. We use the compost as fertilizer for our small...

Question | 1 Answer

Why is "weeding" with gas burners allowed?

I think it is one of the worst, most perfidious and at the same time easiest to avoid environmental pollution of private households - weeding with...

Open Question | 0 Answers

Is it possible to mow the lawn when wet?

Lately it had been raining extremely in my region, we barely got to gardening. Unfortunately, our lawn has grown quite a lot during this time, so I...

Question | 1 Answer

From how many degrees is summer?

Slowly it gets warmer outside, you can see that summer is coming. Of course, there is on the one hand the "summer", as defined by the calendar or the...

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New Answers and Comments

Baby3: Personally, I think pets are best when you can cuddle with them or when they look cute. Therefore, for me, only cats or guinea pigs come into...

Voting | What is your favorite pet?

Florabella: I think it always depends on your personal character or your own preferences. For example, you can only really have a dog as a pet if you can and...

Voting | What is your favorite pet?

Kamila: Thank you for sharing your thoughtful opinion. We have to sort out the waste before we throw it. There are 4 types of sorting waste. Recyclable...

Question | Is that necessary to implement waste sorting?

Mister Lohmann: Yes, it's a lot of effort for each of us. But is it really necessary? I think, it's a good idea to recycle waste. There are so many...

Question | Is that necessary to implement waste sorting?

Ladybird: The problem with citrus fruits, bananas or other fruits and vegetables that have traveled far around the world is that the shells are mostly sprayed....

Question | Compost: May I throw citrus fruits or bananas on the compost heap?

Guest: In no case I would mow the lawn while it rains. But even if the grass is wet, I would not recommend it. You can mow wet lawns, but you will quickly...

Question | Is it possible to mow the lawn when wet?

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