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3D Printer: Costs and Differences

Question by Arvind Purandare | 2013-12-20 at 10:32

What is a 3D printer? Are there Indian 3D printers? What is the price of 3D printer in India? Are there different technologies and hence models available in this technological break through? What may be the running cost?

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A 3D Printer is providing the possibility to "print" a thing in 3 dimensions. So, for example, you can create a three-dimensional figure at your computer (using corresponding software) and the printer is printing this figure out of plastic. It can be used for example to recreate broken plastic parts or to make models or arts.

Of course, there are different models and prices depending on how detailed the figures can be printed and which materials are used for printing. Typical materials are plastics, synthetic resins, polymers, ceramics and metals, which is of course influencing the stability of the material/figure later.

Beginner Models can be bought for about 300 Euros but the more complex and the more detailed your figures should be, the more you have to pay. Most prices will be between 800 and 2000 Euros. Of course, there is no price limit.

There are also some services available on the Internet that can be used for printing (you just send the plan and get your model by post). If you only want to try it or only want to build a few models, this could be the better choice.
2013-12-21 at 12:24

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