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Chrome or Firefox - Which is the better browser?

Question by Guest | 2018-03-08 at 23:05

Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are two well-known and widely used browsers. But which of these programs is the better one? Does anyone have any idea and can tell me?

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As a normal user you do not do anything wrong with both browsers. As soon as the one browser gets certain new functions, the other one usually follows.

Personally, I even use both browsers in parallel, depending on what I want to do. I use Firefox mostly because of its addons or to manage bookmarks. Both the selection of addons and the setting options, I find better solved in Firefox.

On the other hand, I use Chrome to develop websites. The Firefox is mostly too lazy for me (which can also be due to the many addons) and also the built-in web-designer and web-examiner functions are better solved in the Chrome browser in my opinion.

Ultimately, however, it remains a matter of personal preference.
2018-03-09 at 15:23

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