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Firefox should remember the last Tabs

Question by Guest | 2016-01-29 at 18:57

A friend of mine is using the Firefox browser. When I was at his computer, I saw that the browser restores all tabs and web pages from the last session when starting the browser again. So, all Internet pages that were open when closing the browser are there again when starting the browser the next time.

That was the only reason that I have installed Firefox on my computer, so that I do not have to open all pages again. Unfortunately, this function is not working in my browser now. When restarting the browser, all tabs and pages from the last time are just away.

What am I doing wrong? Do I have to adjust or set something to make it work?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Yes. By default, Firefox is opening the Firefox default home page and all of the tabs from the last session are away. To make Firefox remember the tabs, you have to change those default settings.

  1. For that, type "about:preferences" into the browser bar or go to the menu and then on "options".
  2. There, in the area "General", you can find the option "When Firefox starts". This option has to be set to "Show my windows and tabs from last time".

With those settings, it should work.
2016-01-29 at 19:37

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