22 Votes

ClipboardSaver Error: Cannot open clipboard

Question by Guest | 2020-01-19 at 17:46

Whenever I attempt to screenshot a specific part of the screen (shift + win + S) with the Clipbboard Saver, I receive a "cannot open clipboard" error. Any recommendations how to solve this? Thanks!

22 Votes

Thank you for reporting that.

Is that error message occurring only for images? Only screenshots? Only when taking a part of the screen?
2020-01-19 at 20:15

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes it only occurs while taking a screenshot of a specified part of the screen. Full desktop screenshots and text are recognized normally by the program.
2020-01-19 at 21:27

Positive Negative
24 Votes


I will see if I can find a solution.
2020-01-20 at 01:12

Positive Negative
00 Votes

Hey man! I'm having the same issue and there's no solution anywhere. Can you help out?
2022-02-06 at 08:48

Positive Negative
00 Votes

I just tried to reproduce this error using the newest version and I couldn't get it.

What do I have to do to reproduce that error?
2022-02-06 at 16:26

Positive Negative

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