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Close Batch-Script-Window after Program Start

Question by Guest | 2015-03-29 at 20:48

I have written a small batch script that should open an application for me. The program is starting as expected, however, the black CMD window of the command prompt remains open and do not disappear automatically.

My batch script is looking like that:

@echo off
ProgramName.exe -parameter

I would like to know what I have done wrong. Is there any possibility to directly close the window after starting the program? Currently, the window is only closing after the started program is executed and I have closed it.

0Best Answer0 Votes

Just write "start" in line before the name of the program.

It should look something like that:

@echo off
start ProgramName.exe -parameter

This should make the program started and the CMD window closed automatically.
2015-03-29 at 23:07

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