00 Votes

Connect Laptop to larger Screen

Question by Guest | 2017-10-05 at 19:15

Unfortunately, my laptop only has a small 15 inch screen on which I can hardly work.

The problem is that I cannot afford a new, larger laptop or even a computer. It is just too expensive for me.

So, I had the idea to simply connect a larger monitor with a higher screen resolution to my small laptop.

Is something like this possible?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Laptops are often connected to a beamer. In the same way, also a connection to an external monitor is possible, provided your laptop has a fitting screen-output (HDMI, DVI, DisplayPort or VGA) to transmit the signals (that should be the case for most laptops).

Optimal are digital outputs like HDMI, DVI or DisplayPort, since VGA is optimized for the old tube monitors and can not provide those higher resolutions that are necessary for modern flat screens (the result can be blurred images when using VGA on modern screens).

Another point is your graphics card. Your graphics card should provide the desired resolution necessary for the monitor. Have a look at the System Control of your computer, then click on Device Manager and there on your graphics card. If you search for this graphic card on the Internet, you will usually find the information about the maximum screen resolution among the first hits.

So, if connections and graphics card are with you, there will be no problem to go for an external monitor. However, if you really want nothing to go wrong, it would be best to try out the monitor on your device before buying. Or at least the option to return the screen, if it is really not working.
2017-10-06 at 00:42

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