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Copy songs from iPod to my computer

Question by Guest | 2011-12-30 at 15:34

Hey guys, I want to transfer the songs from my iPod back to my computer because I cannot find some of my songs on my computer any more.

In iTunes, I have not found the function, can anyone help me with this?

3Best Answer3 Votes

Unfortunately there is no change to do this with iTunes. I do not understand why, but the function is apparently not intended or the developers of iTunes have not thought about it!

What you need is the program SharePod, with which you can get all of the songs from your iPod back to your computer and it is also possible with SharePod to create playlists or bring music from your computer to your iPod. The program is actually much slimmer and cooler than iTunes itself.
2011-12-31 at 23:08

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