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Create an HTML File List with File Links

Question by Mail Request | 2018-04-15 at 23:09

I have created an HTML list of my files with the File List Creator. However, this list does not contain any hyperlink to the files when I show the list in Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer. However, the program description states that file linking is possible.

What am I doing wrong? I have selected "Webpage (HTML)" as export format.

3Best Answer3 Votes

By default, the FilelistCreator creates HTML lists without linking. The option to enable linking can be found in the "Columns" section on the right side of the program.

  • Columns > General > Name > Link in HTML Format

If you enable this option, the name of each file of your HTML list will be linked to the appropriate file path on your computer, so you can click and open the file from within the list.
2018-04-16 at 09:59

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