22 Votes

CSS: "align:center" and "align:right" not working

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-05-14 | Created on 2016-11-01

I want to align one of my texts centered, another text should appear right aligned on my website.

For this, I have added the following CSS to the corresponding paragraph using the style attribute:

<p style="align:center">Should actually be centered...</p>
<p style="align:right">Should actually be right aligned...</p>

However, this CSS does not show any effect. The text remains unchanged left aligned without any alignment, it seems as if it does not play a role whether those properties are defined or not.

What can I do to align a text in HTML with CSS?

2Best Answer2 Votes

The CSS property you are thinking about is named "text-align".

So, you have to write "text-align" instead of "align" only:

<p style="text-align:center">centered</p>
<p style="text-align:right">right aligned</p>

This should work for you.
2016-11-01 at 13:20

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