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Data Usage Warning shows Removed Apps

Question by Guest | 2014-07-23 at 09:15

I just had a look at the data usage warning of my Android smartphone. Beyond the used data volume of the selected month, the data usage warning is also containing an overview of every app that I have installed on my phone showing the data amount used by this specific application.

However, I was surprised to find the entry "removed apps" in this list. What is it about with this item in the list? How is it possible, that a removed or deinstalled app can nevertheless go online and use some data?

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No fear, your smartphone is all right.

The entry "removed apps" is just summarizing all removed apps, that have used data within your selected period of time before their deinstallation.

So, this is showing the complete data amount used by all of your removed and deleted apps that was used by these apps BEFORE they have been removed.

For example, where you are removing WhatsApp at the middle of the month and you are looking at your data usage warning at the end of the month, the data amount used by WhatsApp from the beginning of the month is summarized in "removed apps" with all other apps that have been deleted this month.
2014-07-23 at 13:15

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00 Votes

But isn't it eating mobile data? Or is it cumulation between mobile data and WiFi? Because i remember using data all the time and rarely use my mobile data (it used 1.45gb in about a day). I'm confused because my quota's been used almost all of it.

Will it occur again in the future?
2015-08-11 at 17:20

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00 Votes

On my smartphone there are 2 sections for the data usage - one for mobile data usage and one for WiFi data usage, so there you can find the difference.
2015-08-11 at 18:10

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