00 Votes

Debian: The package is of bad quality: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid

Question by Guest | 2016-06-26 at 19:13

I am just trying to create my own Debian package (DEB). I am creating the package with "dpkg -b" and I get no error messages during the creation. However, as soon as I am trying to install the package, the following warning occurs:

The package is of bad quality: The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn't allowed. This could cause serious problems on your computer. Please contact the person or organisation who provided this package file and include the details beneath.

Under the warning, there is a button "Details". When clicking on it, a new window containing the following text appears:

Lintian check results for /home/pm/Desktop/TestProg/TestProg.deb:
E: TestProg: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/ 1000/1000 
E: TestProg: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/ 1000/1000 
E: TestProg: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/TestProg/ 1000/1000 
E: TestProg: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/TestProg/TestProg1000/1000 
E: TestProg: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/applications/ 1000/1000 
E: TestProg: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/applications/.desktop 1000/1000 
E: TestProg: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/pixmaps/ 1000/1000 
E: TestProg: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid usr/share/pixmaps/icon128.png 1000/1000

What am I doing wrong? There was no error message during creation, why now? Can someone help me?

0Best Answer0 Votes

When installing a Debian package, Lintian is automatically checking whether the package corresponds to the general conventions and specifications.

One specification says that the owner of the files of the package has to be root. In your case, that is the user with the UID 1000 instead, what is probably your user account. This error is often occuring when having the files created with the own user account.

To ensure that the files are really owned by root, you can just prepend "fakeroot" to the command when creating the package. For example like that:

fakeroot dpkg -b ./debfolder package.deb

Or like that:

fakeroot dpkg-deb --build debfolder

After that, this error message should not be displayed again. However, if you do not want to publish your package and if you only want to use it on your own, you can also ignore this warning.
2016-06-26 at 22:56

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