00 Votes

Debian: The package is of bad quality: package-not-lowercase bad-package-name

Question by Guest | 2016-06-26 at 16:25

I have a Debian package that was created with "dpkg -b". No error occured during the creation. Nevertheless, I get the following warning message when trying to install the package:

The package is of bad quality: The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn't allowed. This could cause serious problems on your computer. Please contact the person or organisation who provided this package file and include the details beneath.

Under the message, there is the possibility to show details. When hitting this button, I get the following additional information:

Lintian check results for /home/pm/Desktop/TestProg/TestProg.deb:
E: TestProg: bad-package-name 
E: TestProg: package-not-lowercase

What can I do to fix this error? I have also tried to ignore the message and nevertheless installed the program and it worked. Regardless of this, I have a bad feeling after this warning.

0Best Answer0 Votes

When installing a Debian package, it is automatically checked by means of Lintian whether the package corresponds to the general specification guidelines.

One of this specifications requires that the package name should not contain any upper case letters. Under circumstances this warning was not displayed in former times and therefore also occurs at old packages still not following the new conventions.

To get rid of the arrow, you just have to write the name of the package Lopez at each point. In the file PackageName/DEBIAN/control, you have to replace the line

Package: PackageName 

by the line:

Package: packagename

After that, the warning should disappear.
2016-06-26 at 17:34

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