00 Votes

Debian: The package is of bad quality: maintainer-address-missing

Question by Guest | 2016-06-25 at 14:57

I have created my own Debian package named TestProg.deb using the command "dpkg -b" for publishing one of my own applications.

When executing the dpkg tool, I got no error message. However, when trying to install the package, I get the following warning:

The package is of bad quality: The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn't allowed. This could cause serious problems on your computer. Please contact the person or organisation who provided this package file and include the details beneath.

There are the following additional information in the details:

Lintian check results for /home/pm/Desktop/TestProg/TestProg.deb:
E: TestProg: maintainer-address-missing Peter M

Now, I do not know what the problem could be at this point and how to fix this error. Finally, the dpkg worked without any problems. Can someone help me?

0Best Answer0 Votes

When installing a Debian package, Lintian is checking with the package complies with general norms and specifications.

This includes that there is the maintainer specified with its name and its e-mail address in the control file located in the folder package/DEBIAN.

If you only write your name behind "Maintainer:" and if you omit the e-mail address, it comes to the error you have encountered.

Maintainer: John Doe

To fix it, you have to complete the line "Maintainer: John Doe" with an e-mail address. For example like this:

Maintainer: John Doe <john@example.com>

The e-mail address must be specified behind the name in angle brackets like you can see here. After this change, the error message should not be displayed anymore.

PS: If you do not want to publish the package and if you only want to use it on your own, you can just ignore the error message because it will not interrupt or disturb your application running or execution.
2016-06-26 at 12:21

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