00 Votes

Delphi: React to minimizing a form, OnMinimize

Question by Chematik | 2012-09-10 at 19:22

I would like to perform an action in Delphi when the user minimizes the form. In the Object Inspector, although, I can find all kinds of events, such as OnClose and so on, but I can not find OnMinimize there, and that is, would I need.

How can I set this event? Is that possible, anyway?

33 Votes

Just search for the component named TApplicationEvents. This component provides all kinds of events, your application provides, including your sought OnMinimize.

Simply drag the component on your form and write under OnMinimize the code, that should be executed.
2012-09-11 at 21:42

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1Best Answer5 Votes

The solution suggested by Computer Expert certainly works quite well, but there are cases in which the solution is not practical, because TApplicationEvents always applies to the entire application. But if you want to capture only the events of a particular form (window), you should better use the following code:

// declare in private section
  procedure WMSysCommand(var msg: TWMSysCommand);
     message WM_SYSCOMMAND;
// and here is the procedure
procedure TForm1.WMSysCommand(var msg: TWmSysCommand);
  if msg.CmdType = SC_MINIMIZE then
    // here is the code that should be executed

With this procedure, you are able to catch all Windows messages that are sent to the window. When minimizing, the type of the Windows Message is "SC_MINIMIZE" and you can react to it and write down your corresponding code.

If you omit the "exit", after your code also the default action of the minimizing is triggered. With "exit", it will not be triggered.
2012-09-20 at 11:52

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