00 Votes

Difference between Cigarette and Cigarillo

Question by Guest | 2018-04-29 at 15:31

Can someone explain to me what the difference between cigarettes and cigarillos is? Sure, cigarettes are rolled into white paper and cigarillos are brown, but that can not be all, right? What are the differences?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Basically, cigarillos are small cigars. For cigars, whole tobacco leaves are rolled and also in cigarillos much larger pieces of tobacco are used than in cigarettes. In a cigarette, however, the tobacco is almost pulverized in very small pieces.

The size of the tobacco is therefore the main difference between cigarettes and cigarillos and also causing their different tastes. Many people perceive cigarillos to be spicy, bitter and scratchy, but that may be because cigarillos are often smoked too fast. Similar to a cigar you should also take a lot of time for a cigarillo.
2018-04-29 at 18:36

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