Difference between Climate and Weather
Question by Guest | 2013-09-03 at 22:25
Actually, my question is already in the title: What is the difference between climate and weather? Or can you use both terms interchangeably?
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Weather is just the current state of the sun, the clouds, the wind, the temperature, the air pressure, the humidity, the rain and so on in a particular place at a particular time.
If you say that it is raining, the sun is shining, it's warm or cold, or there are clouds in the sky, you are speaking about the weather.
Climate refers to the complete annual progression of the weather, for example, for a particular region or a whole climate zone.
If you look, for example, at monthly curves of temperature or rainfall or you are talking about the typical weather of a place, you are speaking about the climate.
2013-09-04 at 17:55
Weather is here and now.
Climate is the long-time average.
2013-09-05 at 18:37